In the midst of our busy lives, have we considered what life would be like as a Christian in other countries? In the midst of intense persecution, will we remain faithful to God, or will we deny Him? Will we be ashamed of Him, or dare to even admit that we are Christians? Given how some of us are half-hearted in giving up small things for God, how will we fare when the test comes?
India is a very democratic country with a democratic government and laws just like Singapore. It is modern and produces many high-tech products. Yet, time and again we read reports about the horrors done to Christians there (and this is just one of MANY countries where Christians face the threat of death, imprisonment, torture, murder, discrimination, humiliation, etc etc etc...). I just read an article today:
"More than 600 churches have been demolished, 4000 Christians forced to flee from their villages, and at least 25 killed as a result of violent persecution in the state of Orissa in eastern India."
These things have happened in the past 4 days (since Aug 23) while we've gone on with our normal lives.
When the time comes for the test, where will we stand?
Read the articles:
International Christian Concern
All India Christian Council
Hope we can at least pray for them.... And donate to GFA.
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