Sunday, July 27, 2008

My prayer requests this week..

Hello.. thought this might reflect some of my thoughts now....

- Thank God for the 3+ years in CLAY zone and the 9 years in CYYAM... its been absolutely wonderful.. =)
- Thank God for His faithfulness and love which never fails to draw me back to Himself where I can enjoy the greatest joys
- Thank God for the chances to serve Him all these years although I'm absolutely unworthy... and for all the happy and sad times and the lessons I've learnt and how I've grown up over the years, being shaped by Him
- Thank God for all the wonderful brothers and sisters in CYYAM.. its great to know that there are people looking out for you and people with the same ideals, same purpose, same direction in life... to go thru this short journey of a few decades before we all meet in Heaven
- Thank God for bringing me thru 3 years of uni life...
- Pray for the coming changes in ministry - adjustment and that I can have love from God for all the people I'm working with and in the new environment
- Pray for wisdom and patience, humility, and that I can influence the youths positively
- Pray for people in YA taking up new roles - that God will be their strength in difficult times
- Pray for CYYAM to be rooted in the Word of God and that each of us will have a close relationship with God to empower us for useful service to Him
- Pray for strength for CYYAM leaders - most of us are undergoing big changes in life and ministry - that we will be faithful to Him
- Pray for REVIVAL in CYYAM and the church
- Pray that in the next 5 years, God will continue to lead us and use us to advance His kingdom


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