Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Restructuring Part 0.02

People say, "tomorrow never comes". I kept waiting for tomorrow to come so that the next part would come, but tomorrow never came...! =P well... so i decided to do it today after all...

The last 2 weeks of holidays were crazily busy actually... but not in the negative sense... it was more positive than negative actually... just that i had sooo many things i wanted to finish by the time the holidays ended.....

...did i say holidays.... ?? they seem to be so... far away now... the times in Church camp and Taiwan are like a dim memory in the back of my mind... the feelings that were felt then and the experiences.... life seems to have taken a complete turnaround and now the way ahead seems so tough....

Well, on another note so far I must say that after the restructuring things have been rather ok on sunday, except that the people I face are 99.99% different.... of course, the 1 person still the same is my dear brother Cheng Hung who can say the same thing about me.. =) its actually not bad at all, spending time with the youths and all that... just that i guess sometimes will miss the rest of the people.. especially on sundays with no zone meeting.... the youths are rather positive too, except maybe the seekers whom rest assured we will pound into submission in 2 weeks time (yeah right)... er.. yah hopefully they'll cooperate more lah...

These 3 weeks i've also been meeting my new sheep and hoping to be a big positive influence in their lives... its been good... though the travel times are tiring......

So i guess the restructuring has been fine so far... however, as we predicted weeks and months ago, i'm really starting to see signs of fatigue and tiredness among those whom the restructuring has affected most (new roles/new DMs/new Ds etc.).... though its as we predicted, its different now that we're in the thick of it... so lets keep encouraging each other ok.. keep in mind Who we're serving, why we're doing it, etc... and lets remember to always keep strong that most vital link to God everyday to draw strength from Him and get wisdom to handle everyday situations, struggles, and challenges.....

School has been ok so far, can see that God prepared a good project supervisor and PhD senior for me to work with... Thank God... but the work's still there and it still has to be done... plus almost all my lessons are in the afternoon now, so gotta wake up earlier myself (as compared to being forced by the lesson timing) in order to still have time for anything else... guess its still the same lesson of discipline i keep having to learn... hope i get it soon.... yah so do pray for me for good time management and wisdom to make decisions......

Quite tired now.... just so many things to think about and to do.... so:

I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

-Psalm 121

God will be our strength and help....

I dunno if this will be the last post on the restructuring.. perhaps not, but i guess it won't be called "restructuring" anymore... well... 0.02 isn't bad right....?

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